
Heritage Guide to The Geelong College

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McPHERSON, Glenelg Ogilie (1877-1963)

McPHERSON, Glenelg Ogilvie (1877-1963)

Glenelg McPherson was born on 23 July 1877. He was the son of Alfred William McPherson and Jessie Hervey nee Alston and boarded at Geelong College from 1891. His address at entry was Hunthawang Station, Hillston, NSW and he was enrolled by Alfred McPherson Esq.

At College, he was a member of the Geelong College 1st Football Team in 1894, 1895 and 1896 and the 1st Cricket XI of 1896.

He served in the Anglo-South African War with the 4th Imperial Contingent. His name is listed as 'G O McPherson' on the Geelong College Memorial Tablet to those who served in the Anglo-South African War.

Sources: Geelong Collegians at the Great World War compiled by James Affleck. p259 (citing Pegasus).

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