
Heritage Guide to The Geelong College

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HOBBS, Leslie T (c.1903-1980)

'Snow' Hobbs,

'Snow' Hobbs,

HOBBS, Leslie T (c.1903-1980)

The well-known and popular staff member, ‘Snow’ Hobbs commenced with the College grounds staff in 1930 and was an appreciated part of the College landscape until his retirement in 1967. 'Snow’ Hobbs became head groundsman when ‘Teddy’ Rankin retired in May 1941 and supervised the Senior School grounds until in about 1959, when he transferred to the then new Preparatory School.

His wife was the niece of Hugh McKay, the original groundsman who came out from Scotland with Alexander Campbell and served George Morrison.

Sources: Pegasus December 1967 p16.
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