
Heritage Guide to The Geelong College

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CORRIN, Bruce (1977-2023)

CORRIN, Bruce (1977-2023)

Bruce began teaching music at the College in 2019. An instrumental music teacher, he was much respected by his students and colleagues. Friend and colleague, James Hunt remembers Bruce "as the kindest person you could meet, willing to do absolutely anything to help you out. He was an absolutely brilliant drum teacher, and a world class drummer. It is hard to find someone who's morals are as high as Bruce's were. Never forgotten."

Bruce taught drumming across Geelong schools for over 25 years. He was married to Lisa and they have six children. Bruce passed away 16 July 2023, aged 46 years.

Sources: J. Hunt December 2023, King's Funerals, Geelong Advertiser 12 May 2023.
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