Application for Admission
I/We apply to enrol the child named in the Student Information Particulars at The Geelong College. We understand that if our application is successful that I/we will have a contractual obligation to comply with the College Education Agreement and accept the Admissions Policy outlined below.Before you start the application, please ensure you have the following ready
- An electronic copy of the student's birth certificate
- An electronic copy of visa (if applicable)
- Visa/MasterCard for payment
Privacy Collection Notice
Under the Privacy Act (the Act) The Geelong College is required to provide you with certain information as to how we protect your privacy and how we comply with the requirements of the Act and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s). This information is set out in our Privacy Policy which is available on The Geelong College public website ( and also available upon request in hard copy from The Geelong College Administration office.Exceptions
- A sibling of a current or past student will be offered a place before all other applications for enrolment provided the enrolment application is lodged at least 18 months prior to the year in which the student is to be enrolled.
- A child or grandchild of an Old Collegian will be offered a place after a sibling of a current or a past student and before all other applications for enrolment provided that the enrolment application is lodged at least 18 months prior to the year in which the student is to be enrolled.
- The priority in which a child who was previously enrolled at the College and in respect of whom an application is received to re-enrol will be determined on the basis that the application was received at least 18 months before the year in which the student is to be enrolled.